Equipped to Destroy

Michael Graham
Feb 19, 2021

Can we go to other planets yet?
What if life exists on Planet X?
Should we build millions of dollars worth of
Equipment to explore it?
Should we embrace it because it’s different?

What if this New World is superior?
What if they hate us because we’re different?
Should they build millions of dollars worth of
Equipment to destroy us?
Should they hate us because we don’t look the same?

What if life exists here on Earth?
What should we do?
Should we build millions of dollars worth of
Equipment to destroy it?
Should we hate it because they don’t look the same?

Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay



Michael Graham

I eat pizza, watch cartoons, sports, and movies. I attend concerts (around 300 so far) and I sometimes pretend I’m a superhero.